A downloadable game

1 Month 1 Game Prototype
(will upload build soon)

I was lying awake at 4am, feeling jet-lagged and hungover. The night before had been eventful. It was my second visit to the Games Developer Conference  and I had done a full day of game design workshops followed by a heavy night of celebrating.

As I lay there, too ill to sleep and with not enough energy to get out of bed. I re-read my notes from the workshops the day before. I decided that I wanted to create something. I downed a bottle of water, and with shaky hands,  I formed a plan.

My goals were:
* learn how to code
* learn Unity
* FINISH a game - all within 1 month

Yes, I know... I know it's not great - but man, I'm so proud that I actually achieved these goals. You can read the Dev Log, I wrote up the whole process - how I made the game, problems I had along the way etc..

Here are the ones I've found:
* The character disappears after a while (maybe they're just tired)
* Pretty sure the stored high score is reset when you re-open the game (not sure tho)

What's Next?
I want to use what I've learnt to create a better version, at some point... but for now I want to try my hand at some new projects and learn some new tools

Development log

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